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👤 About

I'm a veteran Network Engineer who has finally caught on how to put together CS teachings with a Networking degree. Working on doing almost all things via automation.

Self re-taught network/automation engineer. I've primarily been digging around within Ansible and Python. I've been doing Python networking since 2015 when a speaker came in and talked about how he had put together a NOC for a conference heavily leveraging automation capabilities via Python. Since then I have been going deep down the rabbit hole that is Network Automation.

In 2020 Cisco released the Cisco DevNet certification program. I am one of the first 500 individuals to achieve a Cisco DevNet certification, with passing first the DevNet Associate exam. Later I followed up that certification with the DevNet Professional certification as well.

DevNet Cert Badges

My Work#


During the pandemic, I thought what better way to get started than with writing a book about getting started with open source network tools. Get it on LeanPub. See the Open Source Network Management tab for more.

2024 brought the release of two more books, published by Packt. The first released book Network Automation with Nautobot introduces how to automate networks with the use of Nautobot. See the tab linked for more.

The second book in 2024 is Modern Network Observability, which provides a hands-on approach to using open source tools for network observability in 2024.


Speaking Engagements#

2023 Internet2 Technology Exchange


At Internet2's TechEx 2023 I gave an overview of Nautobot to the Network Automation community and introduced several of the core Nautobot Open Source Ecosystem Plugins such as Nautobot Golden Config, and the new configuration remediation capabilities built in.

2023 WWT Automation Day - Minneapolis


In this speaking engagement I had the opportunity to talk about Nautobot as the Open Source Network Automation and SOT applications. I gave an overview of what Nautobot brings to the table and incorporated demos of using real world scripts to complete activities leveraging the Nautobot open source ecosystem.

2023 Summer MNNUG


Introduction of Nautobot and the core functionality for the the audience. Drove attendance with the focus on Network Automation that saw individuals drive from 3 hours away!

2022 NANOG86


In 2022 I had the opportunity to complete my first NANOG talk, on automating circuit maintenance notifications. This section will outline my continued source of talks: - NANOG86 - Automating Circuit Maintenance Notifications

2021 Ansible Meetup


Ansible Records Ansible - Minneapolis Ansible Meetup January 2021 - Ansible Records Ansible - ARA

2020 Interop


I present on using CICD in a network automation capacity - Interop Network Automation CICD

2020 Ansible Meetup


Here I dive into using a SOT for automation combined with the use of Custom Filters - Minneapolis Ansible Meetup April 2020 Talk

Ansible Content#

In 2019 I worked to develop a Network Automation Course with Ansible for Packet Pushers. This was in my transition time to Network to Code. Note that the course was developed at a time when only NetBox was around. At this point in time I would swap out NetBox in favor of Nautobot.

Telemetry Content#

NTC Blog Posts I Wrote#

Cisco Champion#

2021 - Cisco Champion

Cisco Champion