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Nautobot App Baking Cookies

Just recently released at the beginning of 2024 is a project that I am super excited to see in the open source by Network to Code. This is the Nautobot App cookiecutter template. This may already be the biggest thing to become available for Network Automation in 2024. I know, its fresh at this point in the year, but this is something that is going to make getting started with your own Nautobot Application so much quicker.

Poetry Fix

The Python Poetry is our go to package management system thus far, you can see that in all of the Python projects that Network to Code open sources, such as Nautobot, pyntc, network-importer, and NTC-Templates. Lately though, I've been having some challenges when my HomeBrew updates happen and my system Python gets updated. I've been able to recover with the help of the same few pages I land on from my Google searches. But since I've done this twice now, I'm using this post to document the fix as much as for myself, but for anyone else that may come across Poetry issues.